Singing Guide: Rent (Movie)

Singing Guide: Rent (Movie)

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you a fan of musicals? Then you must have heard of Rent - a rock adaptation of Puccini's "La Boheme." Jonathan Larson's masterpiece premiered on Broadway in 1996 and became one of the longest-running shows after 12 years and 5,123 performances. The story of a group of struggling young artists living in New York's East Village and their battles with money, illness, and the dreaded "Maureen" has captivated audiences for over two decades.

But, how can you sing like your favorite Rent character? It starts with analyzing your voice: determine your voice type, vocal range, pitch accuracy, and resonance. Knowing the mechanics of your voice is essential to develop a singing voice that sounds like the original performer.

Then, you can start warming up with Singing Carrots' pitch training game. Remember always to start on a pitch that is comfortable for you, low or high. Warmups improve your breath support and articulation, essential skills for any singer-based.

Next, you can work on developing your chest voice and growing your vocal range. Rent songs require power, control, and intensity; every character has a specific vocal technique and style. A good vocal trainer is handy when learning to develop easy ascending and descending scales.

Rent songs are heavy on emotion, with a range stretching from the comedic to the soulful. Proper breath support and singing with emotion are techniques that can be honed with practice. Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking is an excellent way to develop this skill.

More specific exercises you may try include:

  • Mimi: "Out Tonight" offers sultry and fast-paced lyrics with a modern rock feel. Focus on the use of head voice and falsetto combined with the chest voice to portray Mimi's unique style. Try the voice registers and vocal break, growling and belting exercises to match Mimi's range and technique.
  • Mark: "Tango Maureen" takes a comedic approach, and Mark's singing style requires a vulnerable and sweet tone. Work with chest and head voice and the voice registers and vocal break exercises to recreate Mark's unique voice. Pay attention to the lyrics and tonality to match his style.
  • Angel: Angel has a unique voice, and this can be achieved by using vowel modification and breath support. Work on good posture and relaxed throat muscles with posture and breathing exercises and open mouth and throat exercises. Practicing with songs like "Today 4 U" will help improve your range and precision.
  • Collins: "I'll Cover You" is an emotional and intense ballad that requires strong cabaret-style vocals. A focus on the chest voice and belting should help you recreate Collins' voice, coupled with growing your vocal range through pitch training. Try to use the chest voice exercises and mix belts to deliver the song's effect.

Above all, don't forget to have fun and enjoy your singing journey. With every exercise and every high and low note, you will grow as a singer and get closer to recreating the style of your favorite Rent performer. And, if you need more help along the way, remember - Singing Carrots is always here, waiting to help you.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.